I'm attempting to cut down on my shopping, but unlikely to be able to go cold turkey...I'll try and keep you updated with how it's going. Main reason being...I'm going to be a student again next year as I'm doing a teach English as a foreign language course, travel a bit (OK a lot!) Asia etc and then hopefully settle in Berlin! Berlin is amazing! Anyhow...saving the pennies must commence!
My weekends are becoming less busy, typical! just as the weather gets bad here, i.e meaning it is no longer car booting season so now I have the time to peruse them they're not here! But hey I guess those of you in America are ok, what with estate sales (...I'm jealous) trust us Brits to do this kind of selling in a muddy field from the back of our cars at stupid'otime in the morning it's not a winter pastime is it really?! We need to keep the great car boot still, but estate sales are needed!!
I do love them though, car boots.
I'm hoping to do another vintage sale on December 5th - I thrifted the most lovely 1970s cameo necklaces, what do you think? they are deadstock from 1977....

What do you think? I love cameos...the chain is gold plated and sooo long, I think it's gorgeous!
Oooh love the necklace, I have been after a cameo for ages. Good find!