'Porcelain Doll your mother owns an antique store'. My dad used to own an antique store and he once bought me a tiny porcelain doll that fitted in the palm of my hand. I love nostalgia. I live in the 1960s. I also like quoting Ryan Adam's lyrics, hence the name porcelain doll. This blog is about my random thoughts and love for vintage and past times. I buy and sell vintage.
I love Berlin! I love it's history, the people and it's vibrancy. If you have never been to Berlin, then I highly recommend it! The record shops, markets, and vintage and second hand stores are amazing. My favourite district in Berlin, is Kreuzberg - which is pretty bohemian and is the citys Turkish district. I love the live music scene in Berlin, the graffiti which is lovely and really well done, and all over the city. Despite being German, myself - well passport says German, but more accurately I'm mixed British/German heritage I really don't like traditional German food, blah! but it is better than traditional British food!
My next trip to Berlin, I will post a guide on here to vintage shopping and the music scene! Can't wait. but before then I will be going Paris!
If anybody has any market recommendations, vintage, junk and second hand shops, record shops and galleries in Paris, please let me know! Also - my Germans ok - but I speak no French! Ah! For that I may have to rely on my lovely friend Laura! x