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Monday, 22 March 2010

I am a little addicted to interior design dreaming...

Are you nosy? I didnt think I was really, but I do love looking around houses and in bedrooms. I don´t mean in real life....asthat would be too far, but I do love buying interior design magazines and browsing the internet for interior ideas. Living in a rented house with flatmates at the moment so i can´t really put my own stamp on things at the moment. Alas as girl can but dream.
Check out the interior section of this blog here, in particular the amazing photographs of bedrooms. The bedrooms shown on this blog look so lived in and worn, yet irresistable, even the creased sheets, and I´m a stickler for well ironed sheets normally, haha. Aw so makes me want to become an interior designer. Maybe I will...At the moment I´m collecting 60s and 70s clocks and looking for some nice paintings from those eras...

Friday, 19 March 2010

Lovely Edie

Lovely Edie Sedgwick, led a life as glamorous as it was tortured and sad. Muse of Warhol, and a real style icon, she was completely ahead of her time.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sean Lennon and his girlfriend

Ok, so yup I´m one of the biggest John lennon geeks in the world, possibly. Big fan. So I like to check out what the Lennon family are doing once in a while, Sean and Julian´s music etc. And I have to say I´m a little smitten with Sean and his lovely girlfriend, pretentious perhaps but aren´t they a cute, if slightly weird couple? And although she is impossibly beautiful so could get away with wearing anything and I clearly am not and cannot, the shot below still makes me want to wear an indian head dress.....just not so sure about the Yoko and John photoshoot they recently recreated, hmm. Anyways I´m off to buy me a feathered head dress...

Christina in red

Lieutenant Colonel Mervyn O´Gorman took these photos of his lovely daughter Christina in 1913. The photographs are autochromes. Aren´t they lovely?
Click on the link in the previous blog to see the full collection of Christina in red.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Christina in red, 1913

Amazing photography just think taken in 1913 yet looks as if it were a vogue photoshoot taken yesterday. Beautiful photo's click on th link below to have a look! This is a quick post as I fly out the door...will post more about this photo shoot soon.

Christina in red, 1913

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Le Beat Bespoke 6 2010- I cannot contain my excitement.

I am attending what is commonly known in a 1960s enthusiasts' diary as one of the wildest 60s underground modernist and garage parties of the year! I am seeing The Sonics, yes that's correct The Sonics - live! Oh I need to dig out my mod shoes and my 60s dresses!

The Wildest Weekender of the year returns for its sixth instalment!Le Beat Bespoke has built an internation al reputation for being the wildest party of the year. Combining the very best live bands old and new – previous acts have included Arthur Lee and Love, The Sonics, The Chocolate Watchband, The Horrors, The Remains, The Buzzcocks, The Fuzztones, Pretty Things and Flirtations to name just a few – with DJs from across the globe playing records until dawn, it's the four-day party tailor-made for all lovers of the '60s underground and beyond.2010 marks both the sixth instalment and easily the best one yet. Over four nights and one daytime event on Easter Bank Holiday weekend.Live acts include THE SONICS, THE UNDERTONES, JAMES HUNTER & MORE

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Lovely Nico - eptimomises 60s european androgyny chic

Lovely Nico, one of the coolest ladies of the 1960s, what a face, what an unforgettable singing voice. Muse of Andy Warhol, sings some of my favourite Velvet Underground songs, and probably the coolest German ever. Kate Moss has nothing on this lady. Enjoy the pictures! x

Monday, 8 March 2010

Leibe Marlene

Another quick note check out this great blog! I love the clog shoes teamed with tights, a lovely look and a really lovely blog, one of my favourites oh and there's also a Leibe Marlene Vintage Store.

Damn it, vintage seems so much easier to source in America, and of course in the UK we don't have estate sales open to the public, like they do! Oh I feel another trip is on the cards! I do buy in a few pieces from America but to see what I'm buying in the flesh before it's delivered is always best!

Enjoy the blog! x


I love Berlin! I love it's history, the people and it's vibrancy. If you have never been to Berlin, then I highly recommend it! The record shops, markets, and vintage and second hand stores are amazing. My favourite district in Berlin, is Kreuzberg - which is pretty bohemian and is the citys Turkish district. I love the live music scene in Berlin, the graffiti which is lovely and really well done, and all over the city. Despite being German, myself - well passport says German, but more accurately I'm mixed British/German heritage I really don't like traditional German food, blah! but it is better than traditional British food!

My next trip to Berlin, I will post a guide on here to vintage shopping and the music scene! Can't wait. but before then I will be going Paris!

If anybody has any market recommendations, vintage, junk and second hand shops, record shops and galleries in Paris, please let me know! Also - my Germans ok - but I speak no French! Ah! For that I may have to rely on my lovely friend Laura! x

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Club nights and living in the 1960s

Oh how I miss my favourite 60s club nights, and at the moment, my 60s night is on hold also! My night is called PaperShakers! I love PaperShakers.

Now, music is my first love always was, always has been and I'm a sucker for pretty much everything 1960s, fashion, design, history, music, art, literature - fell in love with that era when I was six years old, listening to my mums records.

I sold my favourite 60s dress in December, trying to be professional and not hold back on all the lovely stock hehee! So on the hunt for some more beauties to fit me.

As of April my work hours will allow me to go here: Brighton Beach as somebody who never failed to miss a Brighton Beach night, I am so looking forward to returning as a regular!

Also just up the road from me is the ultimate mod night Ronnie Londons Groove Lounge!

I cannot wait soooo excited!

I'm a huge garage fan, psych fan and just some good old fashioned 60s pop and rock! I could bore you forever with my record collection and talk of music but will just leave a couple of really cool songs for you to have a look at:

Friday, 5 March 2010

Queens of Vintage

Celia Hammond & Pattie Boyd. Just because I like this pic.

Just a quick post, to say if you haven't checked out this website you really should!

Queens of Vintage, is a lovely daily glossy all about vintage lifestyle from interior design to fashion and everything and anything inbetween!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

New 1950s Tiki bar! Aloha!

On another very quick note, Nottingham has had a new bar open - a 1950s Tiki bar!

Not sure what it's like but hope to go either tonight or in the next few days i.e when ever I get a five minute break from work!

The bar is called Bad Juju Tiki Bar and I will let you know what it's like, I'm lookin' forward to the music - I hope they have some good surf and 1950s exotica playin'!

Dreaming of pretty vintage and summer days....

Summer lovin'

And here's Marianne!

Ah it's meant to be snowing today or tomorrow! well no sign of the white stuff yet, thank goodness!

Now I'm not one for wishin' away time as time is just too bloomin' precious BUT I am wishing for spring, oh for the start of summer and laying on green grass listening to your favourite music and wearing lovely summer clothes, sun on your skin!
The pictures above just make me smile, and some are just oh so summery!

There's also two new picture I have discovered of Marianne Faithfull, I'm including these just because she and they are so lovely...and the rest well, roll on Spring!
Photographs of the jewellery comin' soon! and looking forward to this Sunday spent shopping for stock! Have a lovely Thursday evening all! x

Monday, 1 March 2010

Hello & Goodbye!

I live in Sherwood, yup a little place just on the outskirts of Nottingham city centre, and let me tell you it's lovely! In fact in was on TV last week, A place in the sun - where a couple were deciding between living in Barcelona, or Sherwood! ha.

Sherwood get's described, as trendy, bohemian and youthful and it is all those things, and more! I love the little vintage shop, which is a stones throw away from my front door, I love the antique store at the end of the road I live. I also love that Sherwood has some amazing charity shops, a lovely health food shop (yum!) and a great secondhand bookshop (some rare finds!). Sherwood has character :-)

One of the loveliest bars in Sherwood, is called Ripple and it really is the heart of Sherwood, every age and every type of person comes here from the old lady doing her knitting to the artists, the young families and the fashionistas. It's a little hub of creativity, friendliness and yummy fresh, healthy, quality food. Also a vast array of belgian beers (chocolate beer included!) and some posh gin that gets served with cucmber! ;-)

The staff are also amazing, all of them - Oh, I work there too, on the occassional night!

Ripple is closing :-( and I can't begin to explain how much, I will miss the place, the lovely customers and the fantastic staff I have become friends with!

Ripple offically closes it's doors on April 3rd. But if you are local - get down before we say goodbye as the food is soooo good!

I'm going to stuff myself silly with their yummy halloumi skewers and salads during my time off!
Goodbye Ripple Xxxx

On another note, with every door that closes, there are several that open, and everything happens for a reason - blah-de-blah-de-blah and so on. I know everyone that has worked there will do amazingly in their new ventures!
On another note:
I am currently finishing off some jewellery pieces - 1960s ban the bomb rings anybody?!
I'm also screen printing some to come!

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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