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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The 1960s

So all my friends know I'm a little obsessed with the 1960s over any other era. I have been since I was 6 years old...and used to daydream and look longingly at old photographs, listening to old records and watching sixties films. Do you have a favourite era? Ever wonder what you would be doing if you had lived through that era? In the sixties would you have been a mod or a rocker? a Beatles or a Stones fan? The 60s was a revolutionary time for contemporary culture, and very stylish to boot! A lot of people think it was very crass and psychedelic like Austin Powers, the 60s was nothing like that and far more interesting because of it!
There are so many reasons I love the sixties...but here's few!

Marianne Faithful, I have heard she's not the charismatic, charming doe eyed 1960s doll I always thought - I have a friend who recently worked closely with her on a film, and it kind of ruined my love for her when I heard what she was really like...but you cant deny how lovely such photos of her, like the one above. A very stylish lady indeed, and understated. I love 1960s long hair and huge fringes.

Next one of the coolest couples of the 60s...Anita Pallenberg and Brian Jones. Anita Pallenberg always looked amazing in my favourite style of hat the giant floppy felt sun hat. And Brian Jones well what more can you say, such a stylish, charismatic and handsome man!

She also looked pretty good on the arm of Mick too!

And not forgetting Keith! Well it was the swinging sixties after all, I suppose!

I'm a huge sixties music fan and love buying new records to add to my collection...nothing sounds as good as vinyl! I am a Beatles & Stone fan, but somehow the Beatles stole my imagination when I was a small child and have done so ever since. I really like the images and style of the beatles in the early days, especially the pictures and stories from there time in Hamburg and Germany. Astrid Kircherr was the photographer for most of their Hamburg pictures, and she invented their mop top hair. I could go and tell you more about this lovely lady....but there's a lot to tell, so go investigate if you're interested.

John has always been my favourite Beatle, followed by George. If only my mum had kept her 'I love John' knitted jumper!

How beautiful is this picture of Astrid with her beloved Stuart, the forgotten the film Backbeat if you haven't already.

Im quite the fan of Astrid and her stark black and white photography, I do like a nice self portrait in photography when done well. Isn't she lovely in the photo above?

Well I could go on, but that is just the smallest snapshhot of why I love the sixties, not forgetting my love of fake eyelashes, hippy beliefs, european 60s pop, garage music, and all the other interesting characters there were....Although it's always romanticised in retrospect. England was never swinging sixties only London, but I still feel there was a sense of magic and newness even in the drabber cities. The sixties was the first era of youthculture and that had a immeasurable and exciting impact on the arts, literature and design of the time.

Lastly here's one of my favourite 60s designs, the egg chair!

Xxx ps did I tell you my mum even met Jimmi Hendrix in the 1960s?!...and they had a good ol' chat!

Morning all on the Eve of Christmas Eve!

My lovely flat mate showed me Artic Monkeys new video the other day, I like the band but have never been their biggest fan, I just had a quiet admiration for some of their better songs. But oh my, how cute is this video, and hasn't little Alex Turner grown up fast?!

Such a lovely video makes me want to get back into film a little bit! Will blog more later, and get back on to the subject of the matter (vintage) but for now enjoy me blogging and going off track with this video! Let me know what you think to such a lo-fi music videos :-)

Monday, 21 December 2009

Monday, Monday

Spent the day with lovely friends, fell in love with a new band I have only just discovered - She and Him and it's Zoe Deschanel's band!

I love the clouds they have on their MySpace page! They're a really cute band! I really want to see (500) days of summer, I missed it at the cinema and it's not out for another few months! Boo!

Business cards for the shop are completed! and pictures will be up very shortly....

Not long till the Kiosk now! In case you're wondering what the kiosk looks like here is a picture! And if you are local it's 29, 30, 31st December on Pelham street, Nottingham.


Friday, 18 December 2009

Special items, not your usual 'vintage'

Today I bought some more stock for the shop! Lots and lots in fact! Including a 1950s leather doctors bag, damn they are so hard to find with the key still, no luck with this one either - beautiful as it is!

Two graphic print scarves one from the 1960s the other one circa late 60s early 70s. And the most darling little 1960s travel clock which is so beautiful! I have always had a thing for vintage travel clocks, and this one is no exception it has brass findings and sits perfectly in the most beautiful jade green case.

I really may have trouble parting with these items, but of course I will!

I am choosing the most loveliest items I can find from the 1900s-1980s and if I don't love it, then I wont buy it. I hope I can write a little more about the hand-made items we are working on also at the moment, which will sit alongside the vintage.

Though some of it is top secret ;-) and we are currently still mid-work, some will be showcased at the kiosk, a lot will saved for our online launch. As a taster here's a little of what you can expect alongside the shops original vintage; hand knitted items, vintage reproductions (from original vintage patterns), hand crafted jewellery made from vintage trinkets and supplies, screen printed bags and t-shirts etc etc

So yes I am in love with the past, but myself and Lisa will also be looking to produce new and exciting items alongside all this romantic nostalgia. Im the one that's stuck in a time warp, Lisa has far fresher, exciting and newer ideas, where else my shop items will always be sourced and made with more than a hint of nostalgia and history. What can I say, I was clearly born in the wrong time!

Looking forward to putting up photos on the blog of Lisa's hard work when she is done, she is one talented designer!

Our Kiosk will be a sneak preview of what our online store will have to offer, just a glimpse but hopefully it will be enough to tempt you! Can't wait! By the way I'm so cold Im sat in the art gallery where I sometimes work part time, in my fur coat!! It is cosy though!

Thursday, 17 December 2009

In honour of my favourite blog and just because it's xmas

Going completely off subject but I dont care! thought this would make a nice uplifting post! It's nearly the end of 2009!

Ok I couldn't wait, one of my favourite blogs is Taza seems so lovely and I LOVE the photography she features on her blog.

I also find her posts very uplifting, especially the happy lists. Yes you heard right, the happy lists! So what you do is you write a list of what makes you happy and post it for everyone to read, thats just what Taza did! They make for lovely reading. I hate to copy but Im going to do the same but just for me, as Im sure nobody else is reading this!

Happy list

1. Katie puppy, her snuggles and big ol' sighs

2.Beautiful healthy food

3. Music - live and anywhere and everywhere, and discovering new bands that become the love of your life

4. Junk shops, thrift shops, flea markets, markets, carboots, secondhand shops, vintage stores, antique stores, charity shops. I just love them all!

5. Record shops and my little record player

6. Red lipstick

7. Chatting to my mum and nana on the telephone

8. Good shoes and happy, silly clothes - life should be one big fancy-dress parade!

9. Sunshine on my face

10. Knowing my best friend is still out there waiting for me

11. Road trips and travels

12. Memories of both my dads

13. Going to the cinema on my own

14. Avocadoes

15. Beautiful design and aesthetics and seeing the art and beauty in most things

16. Pictures and photographs of the Eifel Tower

17. Classical art

18. Creativity and ambition

19. Texts that just tell you that they love you, or that they hope you have a lovely day sending and recieving them. I love sending them most, especially on Monday mornings to people when they perhaps need to smile the most!

20. Making my friends and my family happy

I could go on...but I wont.

Nottingham is covered in icing sugar and my red lipstick endeavour is complete.

So it's snowing, lovely Sherwood looked like a beautiful snowball today and now the streetes are paved in what looks like icing sugar! I have been looking for my perfect red lipstick for many months, if not years and today I think I found it! Doesn't every girl want to find her perfect red? it's not a simple task as you may think!

And the lovely red in question, full name 'Russian Red' is from MAC cosmetics heehee sounds like a spy name!

On another note I am getting quite addicted to three blogs in particular so much so I have promised myself I will stop buying womens magazines, hmmm see if that will happen. I have a love-hate relationship with mid-high end womens style and fashion glossies.

I will write more about these three or so favourite blogs in a day or so. Inspires me to go further with this little one, hey might as well make use of my journalism degree!

Laptop fixed and several ring orders were delivered around Nottingham today! Really not very long till the shop now! Off to work on some designs for the shop!

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

All work makes me a happy girl!

Had some possibly very exciting news, hopefully we will be seeing a Tinkerbella & The Tailor vintage item being worn by a high profile fashion blogger :-) but that's all I'm saying for now!

Today has been spent in the office, not very exciting! - and then working in the bar in the evening, and then setting up and trying out my new printer/scanner at night! Tomorrow night, Im spending the evening with some great friends, we're watching the John lennon biography 'Nowhere boy' and we have VIP preview tickets! and then a friends birthday! I am also reading my new book- 'A Brave New World' highly recommend it, check it out! Thanks Tania for the present!

13 days
till our little kiosk!!! Working on branding still, and plan to post some of the ideas up here shortly! Also the matchboxes have arrived for the rings and I am making the most lovely bird brooch! Thank goodness I have free time to do more next week!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree!

So our mini tree is up! and it looks quite sweet, we also have the sweetest lanterns around the house too! At the moment I have a pile of vintage clothing that needs washing and pressing....and it's still sat in my room! I have another leopard print 60s hat, a 60s blue flowered pyschedelic turtle neck top, a beautiful 70s paisley dress, and a 70s cream faux fur coat.

The Big Cartel site will be set up in the next ten days. The colour scheme for the shop and the branding we have decided is going to be based on a peacocks feather colours! How lovely?! Jewell colours and muted colours. The business cards will be done by the end of this week and I am currently making rings for some friends as Christmas presents....It's getting a little tiresome now to keep saying photographs coming soon, as my camera is not working! But they will be here soon!

The Tinkerbella & The Tailor kiosk shop will be in Nottingham city centre on Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st! If you're local please come visit me and Lisa and see our lovely things and bring us soup as it will be chilly!

Oh I also have a new scanner and printer now, as everything was breaking on me! So I will scan some pictures and drawings soon! Im very excited! Also planning on doing some lovely hairbands!.....I love my new job.

Monday, 7 December 2009

The bigger the pom pom the better!

Found a nice hat with a big pom-pom at last woohoo! Going out and flyering for my 60s night this afternoon, a spot of thrift shopping and then a night spent with photoshop tonight designing the branding for the shop! Still waiting on some more vintage cameos to arrive for more ring making CAN'T WAIT! :-) Also trying to think of a project to use some lovely 60s womens magazines, dont want to tear them up, but want to do something with them maybe put them on some bags as designs! Also re-learning about lino print again at the moment did it at college but that was soooo long ago! Exciting stuff! xxxx

Although I am currently obsessed with my 1960s leopard print fake fur hat!! Will post a picture of it soon, it is AMAZING.

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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