My Blog List

Monday, 18 January 2010

Work, procrastination and more work

I plan to get out the sewing machine this week!

Looking after my friends lovely children tomorrow.
Going to the gym three times.
Making more jewellery, including a little parcel of vintage jewellery for my cousin.
I am reveiwing a craft and arts night with a live DJ at a bar in the city centre, for a local magazine I sometimes write for.
I need to get some more business cards printed up.
Saturday day time I'm networking with some vintage suppliers.
Oh and the boring things blahblahblah like paying bills etc
On a more positive note Im going vintage buying in Dublin at the end of this month! I also hope to catch a good band while I'm there!

I'm also buying this camera for myself for my trips to Dublin and Berlin.....I love Holga photographs, as much as polaroids!

Isn't it lovely, I love the white one best I think!

I'm also ruthlessly planning on going through my wardrobe and ebaying some old clothes!

In Dublin I'm hoping to discover some lovely pieces for the web shop, but as with all vintage buying it's all pretty 'pot luck'. A nice faux fur coat, some nice jewellery trinkets, a cute 40s dress would all be nice finds, but as you know the fun comes in the not knowing what you may discover!
We are staying in what looks a lovely 5 star hotel in Dublin so I'm quite excited about that.

I'm also hoping to do a one off music night in July, a Beatles Vs Stones night, with me and my good friend Tania DJing our favourite 60s vinyl - I'm a huge Stones & Beatles fan - but the Beatles won me over when I was only six years old so as I have a long standing affair with them I am the Beatles girl and Tania is the Stones girl!

1957 Beatles picture Quarrymen period, I imagine!

And finally a song and a picture. I made myself a bag the other day with this lovely image of Edie Sedgwick on it:

Love this song.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Anita Pallenberg and 1960s felt hats

Floppy 1960s hats

Anita Pallenberg wore this type of hat, so well!
I have a obsession with hats, yup it's true I'm addicted in fact. I have a 'hat wall' in my bedroom - yes I will take a picture of this wall where a small collection of my hats do hang; which includes a boater, flat caps, a bowler hat, a panama hat, a straw hat, a faux fur 1960s beehive hat, a 60s beatnik cap amongst others and then there's the collection that I still have in storage at my mums house and the two boxes full of hats under my bed!
One of my favourite hats has always been the felt 1960s floppy hat. Im still in the midst of attempting to make a black one but it is so important to get the perfect fabric, a heavy felt but not too heavy.
For Christmas I got given a lovely grey felt fedora with a contrasting black band it's semi structured and kind've like a cross between the shape of a traditonal fedora (of which I'm not overly feen on normally) and a floppy 60s hat. I keep going to call the floppy 60s hat a sunhat, but the great thing is it is a all round hat, looks great in the summer and winter depending on the lightness of the felt!
American Apparel seem to have come up with a great one too! in brown, grey or black. I love how it can be worn casually but also wouldn't look out of place dressed up a little. Glamorous, boho and a little rock n roll!
I would love to find an orignal wool/felt version of this hat from the 60s! What's your favourite type of hat?

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Second post of the day - more vintage orientated!

As my last post went slightly off on a tanjent I am going to write just a short list of a few of my favourite websites and local vintage shops.

But before then can I just mention this analogue camera website!
I need a new camera! I love polaroid film but am struggling to find some at a affordable price at the moment. This is the loveliest website I have found full of vintage reproduction cameras

At the moment I have a straight point and shoot digital mini polaroid camera, a 70s polaroid, and a 1960s brownie. I really need a decent digital slr so I am on the look out!

As for vintage stores I like, I will begin with my local stores here in Nottingham, UK. I will write a list of my favourite vintage sellers online another day.

Golden Cage
A lovely little cubby hole of a store, really friendly and knowledgeable staff. The shop looks like a old aladdins cave - just how I like my shops. The shop is actually primarily a costumiers, and Nottinghams' oldest at that. When I last popped in they has some lovely 60s dresses, a few 60s and 70s faux fur coats and some really sweet sequinned 60s shell tops - all items are labeled by era and very reasonably priced.

Backlash Clothing
Backlash clothing doesn't have a website, and is hidden away in Nottingham city centre up some backstairs! This hidden gem has the occassionally has some really special 1960s dresses, and 60s ladies suits - it nearly always has a good array of winter coats also. Some of the items are not vintage, merely secondhand cast offs, but it's always worth a look and the rummage is part of the fun. The shop also has a bargain bin at the back that sgouldn't be ignored and it also has a good selection of hats for all seasons.

Also be sure to speak to the friendly owner should you pop in and check out the gig posters and flyers plastering the staircase, there's some great artwork and some interesting gigs and venues to check out that you may otherwise not have heard of.

Celias Vintage Clothing
The website doesn't do this lovely shop justice, so don't let that dissuade you! also don't be put off when you walk through the front door and see fancydress, go upstairs and you will find two beautiful rooms crammed with vintage delights from the 1900s to the 1980s each perfectly pressed and labeled by era.

All items are freshly laundered which makes a nice change when buying some vintage - but Celias is no thrift store it really is a cut above the rest. All clothes are beautifully displayed and the shop is light, clean and airy - often with some swing music playing. Celias is a easy to buy shop, depending on how you like to shop for vintage - this may make it more fun or less fun for you. I personally love a rummage I love thrift hunting and scouring packed rails and then discovering that perfect find is even more rewarding!

Celias have taken the effort out of vintage hunting and are definitely a must-visit!

Two of the best buys from Celias has to be their never ending supply of original 1940s seamed stockings, unworn in their original packaging and their immense rainbow glove collection - any colour you can think of they sell; short cotton 1960s gloves for great prices!

That's it for now! I can think of another few and will round up with them shortly.

Burlesque, a challenge shop delay, Berlin, cold and snow - not neccessarily in that order.

Hello all,

It's actually my birthday today! yes and Im sat here typing away inside my warm house, as it's just too cold out there! But it's not all quiet - I have already celebrated my birthday a little early at the weekend, with my friends at a lovely burlesque club called the Pitty Patt Club. The Pitty Patt Club was wonderful, really wonderful! If you like old style cabaret from the 40s, 50s and even a sprinkling of the 20s then I can highly recommend this night.

Lots of the guests were dressed in 40s and 50s attire and we even had some 'extra' entertainment provided by some regulars in the crowd who were brilliant at the Lindy Hop and we saw them dance during intervals. The performers were great, and the comperes were really funny! I have always enjoyed and admired burlesque aesthetics and costume and yet this was my first burlesque show and will certainly not be my last, so much fun!

And now for some news -
The website looks likely to be delayed as I have applied for a study scheme in Berlin and if I get it, I won't have time to manage the shop at such a early and vital stage in the business. I am still buying stock and have trips to Dublin, Berlin and Paris planned for this year to source some beautiful items. As for Berlin, well my application has been accepted for consideration so it's now just a small matter of waiting.

A challenge
This year I have promised myself not to buy anything new, I am only buying second hand and vintage clothing. I have so many clothes so this is good discipline for me! The only exception is the basics, i.e underwear, t-shirts, shoes etc and actually, even shoes where I can will be vintage anyway! except I always make a bad choice and they wear out so quickly, when vintage.

I don't know what it's like where you are, but here it is FREEZING here! Minus 2 I last heard with ice everywhere! I haven't left the house wearing anything but wellingtons for the past month so as not to slip over! But they are stylish wellies! patent black, and shiny, shiny indeed!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Our Jewellery made from reclaimed 1970s vintage pieces

It's Friday!
1970s cameo rings red floral, white floral. 1940s tortishell/silver hair slides
Morning all!

Well today, is a long busy day as I'm making more jewellery for the shop, under five weeks now till it launches online!

Every ring we sell, we only produce 12 of each, and we have the most wonderful supplier who sources us some lovely 1970s 'dead stock' pieces from a little disused German jewellery factory!

All of our jewellery and such comes in pretty little matchboxes.

At the moment I am working on some bird brooches, some ladybird rings, and some ladybird earrings, we currently have a few left of our floral cameo rings also, shown above. We also have lots more colourful cameos arriving any day now, and will be making some bigger knuckle duster type rings ;-)

More photos will be coming on the blog very soon. I hope you all have a lovely snowy day!
Oh and guess what? tomorrow I'm celebrating my birthday!

Thursday, 7 January 2010

1950s handbag

Isn't this lovely, I'm not sure the loveliness of this bag can be seen properly in this photo, but I have a new camera soon, so will be able to post clearer pictures very shortly! The bag is olive green and has cream faux snakeskin detail on it, it is lovely the type I could imagine Audrey hepburn carrying, and it's in perfect condition, interior is cream suede and it still has the previous owners little handbag mirror in it! I often find little compact mirrors or little glass mirrors left in vintage handbags, I think that's sweet!

What do you think to it?

My favourite blogger wears one of our hats and some photos, late but as promised!


So excited as one of my favourite bloggers is wearing a lovely 1960s faux fur leopard vintage pill box hat from our shop today!

Doesn't Katie look lovely?

If you don't know Katies blog, oh you really should! It's a love letter in the form of a blog, words by Joe, style by Katie. The blog has been named one of the most influential fashion blogs in the UK by several publications including The Telegraph, and has been featured in Grazia and Vogue.

Shop update!

Our shop website is coming along nicely and will be up and running in less than five weeks so we hope you visit us there for more vintage delights! I am visiting suppliers in Dublin at the end of the month, will tell you all about the new stock as and when it comes in, I'm sure you'll love it!

Some photos at last!

Here's some of the rings we have made. They are made from reclaimed 1970s German vintage floral cameos, this is just a small selection of the many designs we have in stock! They look so cute when the two below are worn together, complimentary on the same hand.

All are limited edition only 12 of each are made and sold by us. The hairslides in the picture are 1940s hairslides aren't they lovely?! They were from an supplier who had sourced a lot of 'deadstock' vintage - so they haven't been worn! So pretty and still with the original card.

Any enquries about any of our items please email

The above rings are limited edition £6 each. Our 1940s hairslides are £3 each and all items come in a lovely hand decorated Tinkerbella & the Tailor matchbox. Please allow up to 5 working days for delivery. Postage and packaging not included in price.

This tea set is currently still available for sale, it will be put on the shop website once it launches but as our blog reader you may have a sneaky first chance to buy before then! If you would like to make any enquiries about this set, or would like to purchase it, the price is £19.00 plus postage and packaging costs. Please email us at

Vintage tea sets are a personal favourite of mine, tea sets are just so very English and traditional aren't they? Complete and undamaged vintage tea sets are becoming harder and harder to find though these days, there's normally always a crack or a piece missing!

The tea set above has my favourite flower on it, a sunflower! This set is by Jon Anton and dates back to the late 60s or very early 70s. A complete set, it includes four mugs, a sugar bowl and a milk jug all in perfect condition. I love it and think it would look so cheery at breakfast times!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Thank you to all our customers!

Back! and its 2010!
Thank you to all our lovely customers who perused, bought, chatted about past decades and vintage loveliness, and brought us coffees as it was soooo cold! So cold, that's my excuse for the lack of photo's I honestly couldnt feel my hands! However we do have a couple of ok-ish pics so will promise to post them today, promise!

Here's some updates:

The Kiosk shop
A complete success - a sell out! We are delighted to have sold nearly all of our stock and it went to some lovely people and lovely homes! I know you'll all enjoy what you bought, as much as I enjoyed discovering them. Fur coats, 1960s dresses, 1960s naval style woollen coats, 1940s hairslides and some new design t-shirts, with big knitted bows by the talented Lisa, were just some of the goodies sold!

The online shop
We are hoping to get the online shop launched in 6 weeks! So keep looking on here for updates! We are currently visiting various cities, suppliers in London, Ireland and venturing to France to source you the best vintage we can find! Please be patient it will so be worth the wait!

Please feel free to send us any photographs you have of yourselves wearing your Tinkerbella & The Tailor finery - we would love to use you for our blog/website! Or if you would prefer for us not to use the pics no problem, but we would still love to see them! Also if you would like to join our mailing list for all future shop updates, and exclusive discounts please email us at

We would love to hear from you, oh and of course please get in touch should you wish us to hunt down any particular vintage wear, vinatge houseware etc and we will do our best!

Coming soon.....
Tinkerbella & The Tailor are organising a rock n roll second hand sale and vintage sale in Nottingham, please get in touch on the email address above if you are a seller, buyer, maker, DJ, musician, artist etc who would like to get involved! xxxx

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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