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Monday, 8 November 2010

Little Ol' Tea Drinker me...

I'm trying to take some time out. I'm trying to stop chasing excitement quite as much, as it's tiring! Ha,ha maybe a sign of age? I'm trying to cut back on the shopping, make time to breathe and enjoy the simple things.

I'm enjoying making my jewellery without any pressure. I'm enjoying cups of fruit and herbal tea, on a Sunday in the cosiest little teashop ever. While I'm watching my pennies I'm staying in the city I live, most weekends -and I feel I'm rediscovering it all over again, almost - with fresh eyes.

Everyday I'm writing a fresh to-do list. I've finally realised life is about experiences, people you meet and what you create with them. Life is short - duh of course it is!

Getting lost helps you find the things you're looking for, that's why I can't wait to go travelling once more. Next post will be my hit-list of countries.

I'm making porridge shortly for breakfast, it's raining outside - yet I might still go for that jog - or maybe not?

Life at the moment is tea drinking, reading good books, dancing with friends for hours at weekends until our feet ache and living ever day whilst noticing every moment. I hope to make some candles in vintage tea cups in the next few weeks...

The music I'm listening to so much at the moment is soul...sweet, sweet soul - going back to my mod roots ;-)

Hardly rock n roll but I'm enjoying this stillness.

Little ol' tea drinker me x

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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