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Friday, 26 February 2010

Excitement, Excitement! News Flash!

Ok, so sorry for the lack of photographs in this post! But that will all change shortly, as I have a little stash of jewellery pictures to post very, very soon!

Also I have a new jewellery range in a shop in Nottingham, The shop is called
Kathleen & Lillys, and is a lovely, lovely vintage shop.

My new jewellery range is made from dead stock vintage supplies from all over the world! I have rings that are made from 1970s West Germany cameos, some American 1960s hippy findings and some Parisian 1960s brass lockets. Very excited!

Tinkerbella & The Tailor will also be having our little shop at
The Affordable Vintage Fashion Fair, in the not so distant future! So keep your eyes peeled.

Also, also! One half of The Tinkerbella & The Tailor team will be DJing on 13th August @
The Maze, Nottingham at PaperShakers, Beatles Vs Stones night, more info to come on that shortly - it will be a great night of vinyl classics from the two biggest rival bands of the 1960s, all money raised will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Charity.

And last but by no means least, I am currently in the planning stages of bringing a flea market to Nottingham!

Please if anybody is interested in getting involved with any of our projects, writers, designers,photographers,musicians,artists or you just want to help in another way! etc our email address is - and we love hearing from you, so drop us a line! x

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Bob Dylan Days and wishing I was in 1967 San Francisco

Today I am still poorly with flu but I am getting dressed and will be leaving the house. I have an appointment with a shop in town, to discuss them stocking some Tinkerbella & The Tailor jewellery!

Exciting stuff. Other things on my mind - I have been reading a lot of socialist essays and essays about alternative lifestyles which mean escaping the corporate 9-5 life! What can I say I am a 1960s hippy deep down.

I hope you are all having a lovely day! I am literally counting down the days now til warmer weather....which means one of my favourite things ever also! Music festivals!
I wish I could live at summer music festivals forever! I keep listening to Dylan songs and wishing I was going to San Francisco in 1967 with flowers in my hair! hehee.
Later Alligator!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

I heart Marianne Faithfull

Isn't she lovely?

One of my favourites if not, my very favourite lady of the 1960s. Amazingly stylish, a natural beauty with a innate sense of style. She knew who she was when she dressed herself and wore it with confidence.

As for the hair, well that's my dream hair...when it's at its longest. Listen to her cover of The Rolling Stones As Tears Go By - she brings a lovely vulnerability and Englishness to a great song.

More often remembered for being the girlfriend of Mick Jagger, also the ultimate 1960s icon and an artist. Enjoy the collection of photographs I have found of her.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

My favourite 1960s girl, Cynthia Lennon

There are many girls of the 1960s I have a soft spot for, but one can't help but warm to Cynthia Lennon. I am the biggest Beatles fan and John is my favourite (George, second if you're interested). If you haven't read 'John' by Cynthia Lennon, I can highly recommend it, it is a heart warming and at the same time heart wrenching account of her time with and without John from the moment they met, to the moment he passed away.

Cynthia had a lovely style, very girl next door but still sexy and with a down to earth charm that many of her contemporarys lacked. I would love to dress more like Cynthia!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


My dad was an antiques dealer, he is sadly no longer with us, so I have to rely on my faded memories and my mum to remind me of his work and how much care and love he had for antiques and vintage.
I remember the smell of newspaper when I was very little, and the excitement of helping him unwrap all his vintage and antique treasures. Special days, precious memories. My dad would buy English antiques and sell them in his home country, Germany - so as you can imagine he would often buy very typically English antiques for the German market.

My mum happened to tell me today one of their 'best sellers' oddly enough were mourning brooches. I know very little about them other than they were very popular in the victorian times and were often black or dark, sometimes with a lock of hair from the deceased.

Although they were once worn at a dark time, a time of grief, looking at them today you can't help but admire their beauty. I have posted a few pictures above of mourning brooches from various different eras above.

I would like one of my own, without hair though - sorry but that's a little too creepy for me! I have purposely not pictured any of those with hair weaved into them or curled inside, most of them seem to have some lock of hair, interesting as they are I may leave them for another day. I'm definitely going to learn more about them anyway.

Angels are opening their doors, the sale of the year!

Vintage heaven!

I think I may have died and gone to vintage heaven, Angels The Costumiers are having their first sale of 2010 - so what I hear you say?! Angels have been going for 150 years and own the largest collection of costumes and accessories in ...the world!

Clothing from the 1900s - 1980s all high quality and many designer labels. I am attending the sale on Saturday and can't wait to get there, oh my work is so much fun sometimes!

Some people queue over night for this infamous sale, I can't fortunately so I will be getting a train at 5am on Saturday morning armed with a shopping list and lots of business cards ready to network, shop, shop, shop!

I'm hoping I pick up some really special pieces to open the shop up! If any of you reading this blog are looking for any particular items please let me know! They dont have these sales very often!

Fore more information on the sale and a sneak preview of the goods, oh and do watch the video! click here

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Wishing it was summer and shoe love...

Oh lovely shoes!

Oh how I wish it was summer so I could wear 1970s style platform clogs! I was never very keen on them, and I rarely wear heels unless it's a special occassion and evening but I am really starting to like the ugly prettiness of 1970s clogs like these mustard ones. Actually scratch out the 'I wish it were summer' sentence because I think I would wear the shoes above with really thick black tights, I think that would look great - or even thick black knee high socks! I still wish it were summer though for a number of other reasons!

I also like the clunkiness (is that even a word?!) of the polka dot lovelies, a little bit minnie mouse, a little bit pin up, a little 50s, a little bit 70s - they are actually 1970s vintage. I think either would look great with a Ossie Clarke dress.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Tiredness and Tiaras (Ireland!)

It's been a little while since I posted so here we go!

Arrived back from the Emerald Isle early Saturday morning - and oh we did have a lovely time! I had truly forgotten how much I love Ireland, it's culture and it's people! I will post some pictures of our trip shortly. As for buying for the shop, we had two days and I visited a handful of places but no luck! Next time I'm going for one week, so I can guarantee more time for work shopping! On another note I did find a couple of lovely vintage dress shops, and a great record store at 'The Flea' - that's Dublins flea market. I bought a couple of 1960s 45" including a Beau Brummels single, and also a old school John Lennon badge. The highlights of the trip? - too many to mention but if ever you visit Dublin be sure to go to The Pint an old tradition Irish pub with a old ska night on upstairs you can dance to some of the best songs whilst overlooking the River Liffey! Amazing.

On shop news, our jewellery line is expanding and will be sold in a great local shop in due course!

Also we are now approved sellers at The Affordable Vintage Fashion Fair so expect to see us with a stall there soon!

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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