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Friday, 4 June 2010

Food, Music and Fashion!

Ok so first limited edition small jewellery range will be completed in full over the next 1-2 weeks! Woohoo! and will be on sale here

And then we also have a photoshoot coming up! Yup I say 'We' me and my flatmate Tania are hobbyist DJs who dabble do the occassional night and friends party but have decided to take it a little more seriously...we now have a name 'The Beat Girls' * subject to change should we decide it's a rubbish name!

So at the end of the month we are going to a photography studio in Lincoln to have promotional photos taken by the wonderful Nottingham based photographer, Gemma Hughes.

Also I am the curator for the vintage and record fair at BlastOff Festival very excited about this!

The festival was a great success last year, and this year will be even bigger and better! The festival will be taking place next summer, giving me plenty of time to work on my little project! Please get in touch should you wish to be considered for a stall whether you are a maker, musician, record seller, fashion designer, vintage seller, artist, hairdresser, DJ, Make up Artist etc we want to hear from Nottinghams local talent!

And last but by no means least - I'm taking another hobby a little further my love for food - Im experimenting a little more in the kitchen with the idea of selling the goodies I make! But it won't be the usual fashiony cupcakes that are all around at the moment - Im making hippy food stylish! hehe. Yup I'm making raw choclate cake with all natural ingredients, and other natural whole food sweets and cakes! Yum, yum - food can be yummy and healthy! More YumYum Cakes coming soon!

Yummy raw chocolate cupcakes with coconut icing!Yum!

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This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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