That voice, that face, that impeccable style. I love Steve Mariott one of the most amazing white soul vocalists of all time, and really cool to boot. Definitely one of the finest front men I have ever seen, not that I have ever seen them myself in real life, the Small Faces that is - but I have watched enough footage and listened to enough records to have formed that opinion!
On the other hand my mum met him several times in the 60s, and yes I am very jealous. My mums friend actually was a bit naughty, stole a pair of his glasses and still has them to this day!
Very stylish boys
The face
Steve Marriott in his own words ... "The term 'Face' was a top mod, a face about town, a respected chap! The name 'Small Faces' came from a girl called Annabelle I knew from Chelsea. I didn't know many from Chelsea but I knew this one! Anyway, she signed the hire purchase agreement for my amplifier. We were trying to think of a name and she said call yourselves the Small Faces 'coz she said we were all little and had little boat races. It was great for us because it fitted in with wanting to be faces anyway."
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