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Friday, 18 June 2010

My 1960s husband

That voice, that face, that impeccable style. I love Steve Mariott one of the most amazing white soul vocalists of all time, and really cool to boot. Definitely one of the finest front men I have ever seen, not that I have ever seen them myself in real life, the Small Faces that is - but I have watched enough footage and listened to enough records to have formed that opinion!
On the other hand my mum met him several times in the 60s, and yes I am very jealous. My mums friend actually was a bit naughty, stole a pair of his glasses and still has them to this day!

Very stylish boys

The face
Steve Marriott in his own words ... "The term 'Face' was a top mod, a face about town, a respected chap! The name 'Small Faces' came from a girl called Annabelle I knew from Chelsea. I didn't know many from Chelsea but I knew this one! Anyway, she signed the hire purchase agreement for my amplifier. We were trying to think of a name and she said call yourselves the Small Faces 'coz she said we were all little and had little boat races. It was great for us because it fitted in with wanting to be faces anyway."

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

I needed this dress in my life.

Isn't lovely?

Working on jewellery today labelling it all up to drop into Kathleen & Lilys tomorrow!

Look what I bought, I treated myself to this lovely 1960s shirt dress look dapper with white tights and dolly shoes dont'cha think?

Isn't she lovely?

Yes I know I have a healthy obsession with Marianne! Here's some more eye candy. Love her!

Marianne Faithfull - 1965. As Tears Go By.

Friday, 11 June 2010

It's never too late to feel a little more alive

The title of this post I saw as grafitti on a wall and I liked it, thats it. I think it may be a song lyric but I've yet to have a look and find out.

Well a long work, and fun packed weekend lies ahead! Every week without fail I visit a charity shop - I'm obsessed with them. At least one a week sometimes I visit one every day and then there's also finding the time for the specialist vintage stores too, aw it's a hard life! ;-)

This week I discovered a huge two storey charity shop in a random little area on the outskirts of the city. Downstairs all furniture and mirrors and wall hangings and paintings and prints, upstairs vintage, pots, pans sunglasses, curtians, dresses. There's some beautiful mirrors, and some gorgeous 1960s and 70s German pottery I have my eye on!

I bought a mary quant style red pvc rain mac, two gorgeous 1960s swimming suits, and a 60s mod handbag.
I'm still kicking myself for turning my back - for a split second on a mustard taffeta 50s evening prom dress - which a very nice lady bought! Was not happy, but it went to a good home - it was beautiful and tiny and would have fitted me so well! Oh well.

Will upload pics of the items mentioned but to be honest I am loathe to as my camera at the moment is awful and will not do them justice, at camera please!

Last, but not least take a look at the September trip to Berlin I have planned!

Now personally I really don't like the artwork i.e the lady or the colours as it doesn't look mod or 60s to me in the slightest all a little gawdy - but don't let that put you off what looks set to be an amazing weekender!

Look here for more info!


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Food glorious food! and if music be the food of love!

Food glorious food!
My lovely flatmate the other day whilst we sat having a lovely spanish meal with our friends, told me she thought I was obsessed with food....hmmm I like to think passionate about food! Yup I am a complete foodie, bit of a food snob really if Im honest!

Here's a recipe I did last night gluten free healthy pizza base yum, yum, fast easy and two main ingredients - easy peasy, my kind of food!

I highly recommend this recipe!

Gluten free, healthy pizza base!

300g Buckwheat
Flour300g Butternut Squash
Sprinkle of Italian Herbs especially basil mf favourite!
Minced Garlic

How to:
1. Bake a Butternut Squash for 1 hour at 200c. Allow to cool then peel, de-seed and mash2. Weigh out 300g of Buckwheat Flour and combine with 300g of the Squash and the Garlic and Herbs - this should give you a dough like consistency, add more flour if necessary3. Sprinkle flour over your work surface and then roll the dough into a circle4. Part bake the pizza base for 20 mins at 200c

Prepare your topping, take the base out spread your topping on drizzle with a little olive oil, bake for another 10mins. Take it out sprinkle some rocket and balsamic vinegar on it and ta-dah!

Im taking home made pizza to a friends house tonight mmm,mmm!

If music be the food of love, play on!

On another note 'The Beat Girls' myself and my good friend Tania Gonzalez are due to DJ at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham very shortly - before then we are wanting to have a couple of illustrations of ourselves for the posters!

If anybody would like to do this for us, please get in touch we will repay you with full credit of all artwork and some free Tinkerbella & The Tailor goodies!

Oh and of course free guest entry for you and your friends at our forthcoimg Rescue Room gigs!

Please comment on the blog or email to register your interest in this project!

Thanks, lovelies x

Friday, 4 June 2010

Food, Music and Fashion!

Ok so first limited edition small jewellery range will be completed in full over the next 1-2 weeks! Woohoo! and will be on sale here

And then we also have a photoshoot coming up! Yup I say 'We' me and my flatmate Tania are hobbyist DJs who dabble do the occassional night and friends party but have decided to take it a little more seriously...we now have a name 'The Beat Girls' * subject to change should we decide it's a rubbish name!

So at the end of the month we are going to a photography studio in Lincoln to have promotional photos taken by the wonderful Nottingham based photographer, Gemma Hughes.

Also I am the curator for the vintage and record fair at BlastOff Festival very excited about this!

The festival was a great success last year, and this year will be even bigger and better! The festival will be taking place next summer, giving me plenty of time to work on my little project! Please get in touch should you wish to be considered for a stall whether you are a maker, musician, record seller, fashion designer, vintage seller, artist, hairdresser, DJ, Make up Artist etc we want to hear from Nottinghams local talent!

And last but by no means least - I'm taking another hobby a little further my love for food - Im experimenting a little more in the kitchen with the idea of selling the goodies I make! But it won't be the usual fashiony cupcakes that are all around at the moment - Im making hippy food stylish! hehe. Yup I'm making raw choclate cake with all natural ingredients, and other natural whole food sweets and cakes! Yum, yum - food can be yummy and healthy! More YumYum Cakes coming soon!

Yummy raw chocolate cupcakes with coconut icing!Yum!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Ban the bomb hippy charm bracelet

Look at this beauty I made up recently....the chain is made a of a large link 1970s chain and the copper charms are small 1960s CND charms. Cute isn't it? and you don't have to be a hippy to wear it! :-)

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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