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Friday, 28 May 2010

English preservation society?

Lie back and think of England.

As a young woman of mixed european heritage I'm unsure exactly what it means to be either English or otherwise. But I do love the lyrics to this Kinks song below and the stereotype of Englishness it portrays and that has just about remained over the years.
The aesthetics such as the colours and pattern of a great english fry up on a plate, the red pop of an old telephone box, the London skyline, a bowler hat, british bookshops, tea shops - dated, inaccurate and stereotyped they may be but they do make me smile. Pimms and lemonade, cricket, WI meetings, garden fetes and the like!

Take a break, read these lyrics, lie back and think of England and what do you see?

We are the Village Green Preservation Society.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety.

We are the Desperate Dan Apreciation Society.

God save strawberry jam and all the different varieties.

Preserving the old ways from being abused.Protecting the new ways, for me and for you.What more can we do?

We are the Draught Beer Preservation Society.

God save Mrs. Mopp and good old Mother Riley.

We are the Custard Pie Appreciation Consortium.God save the George Cross, and all those who were awarded them.

We are the Sherlock Holmes English-speaking Vernacular.God save Fu Manchu, Moriarty and Dracula.

We are the Office Block Persecution Affinity.

God save little shops, china cups, and virginity.

We are the Skyscraper Condemnation Affiliates.

God save Tudor houses, antique tables, and billiards.

Preserving the old ways from being abused.

Protecting the new ways, for me and for you.

What more can we do?

God save the village green.


Thursday, 27 May 2010

Summer plans

Isn't she lovely? "Chinese lady' by Vladimir Tretchikoff .

I love this painting, will write more about the lovely green lady, and his other paintings in another post vey soon. I like her so much I have her image on a pin badge!

Oh how much have I loved this weather recently?! Then all of a sudden it's gone!?! but that's not all bad, with the milder weather conditions this weekend I am able to wear some of my lovelier 60s mod dresses, that aren't neccessarily easy to wear in the summer heat. Man made fabrics - mum and co how did you wear these dresses back then without glowing in a ladylike manner just that little bit too much?!

I have some lovely new dresses at the moment a gorgeous brocade mod dress with sheer chiffon long sleeves and gold piping, goodness knows where I'll wear it, Brighton Mod Weekender perhaps....a lovely late 50s tribal print summer dress, and a lovely summer 60s mod shift dress thats turqouise and lilac check. I will put pics of these up shortly...

On another note what are your plans for the summer?

Here's a very, very small section of my ever growing list:

Finish my German course

Go to Berlin to see family, go to Monchengladbach to see where I grew up

Spend even more time rummaging through local record stores trying to find Jimmy Cliffs Miss Jamaica 45 and the like

Have a great success with my Beatles Vs Stone night for Macmillan Cancer

See my jewellery range complete and sales go sky high ;-)

Get my market stall ready for July


Brighton Mod Weekender

Complete the photoshoot for the shop and DJ promo pics with my lovely friend and wonderful photographer Gemma

Get our first paid gig DJing as a pair - me and Tania are still trying to come up with a DJ name for us both....suggestions on a postcard please!

Complete my TEFL course, so next year I get to travel the world

Have a cultured weekend in Paris going to the galleries

Have a catch up weekend going to London galleries I haven't visited in a while

Complete my nutrition course

Visit Liverpool and do the full Beatles Experience

Continue my life long love affair with thrifting and vintage shopping

Enrol on a sewing course

Find a pair of 1960s pilgrim flats

Spruce up the house making it a vintage haven

Visit more carboots

Phew! and thats only a little amount off the list! Hope your all having a lovely summer time....

Dress posts coming soon. Oh and I have just had a delivery of jewellery stock so expect pics of those some time soon too!


Sunday, 23 May 2010

Kings of Vintage: retro florals for summer-loving gents

Kings of Vintage: retro florals for summer-loving gents

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Lost Connections a project by Sophie Blackall

The following illustrations all tell a true story of a stolen moment and a lost connection.
I want this one for my house ^

I also am planning on buying this one^ love it

I'm not particularly a romantic, no really...ok well maybe a little just don't tell anybody, ok?Just take a look at these lovely images above produced by the Australian artist Sophie Blackall from a collection of her work called Lost Connections. She illustrates with humour and a gentleness as she tells storys of lost connections. A great modern day storyteller, don't you think?.
Sigh, some are so lovely where else others are quite sad and some just make you laugh out loud. Makes you think...lost connections how many have you had, some without even realising?

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


I love polaroids I really need to get some new film for my 70s polaroid camera! :-)

Listen up!

Think you dont like RnB?

Real RnB I'm talking about, no really...real Rythmn and Blues and Soul. This album is an a brilliant illustration of early soul, r&b from the fifties through to the sixties, a collaboration between Mr Paul Weller and the wonderful DJ Keb Darge. This album compilation is an education for music lovers today, split into two halves one by expert Darge the other Weller, who as Darge himself recognised is not tainted by any scene or record collector bravado - he just plays the songs he loves. This is amazing, go listen! Oh and Keb Darge also has a brilliant collection of rockabilly releases if thats your thing. And look at the gorgeous artwork for the album too! Our household is the proud owner of this gem on vinyl as well as CD!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Have love will travel. New earrings!

Here are one pair of earrings that will be on sale at Kathleen and Lillys shop at the end of the month. Im doing a range based on of course what else - the 1960s. Here are some flowered yellow cameo earrings that retail at 6 pounds. Made from 1960s West Germany cameos. Hope you like them! More pictures to come of the rest of the range. All pieces are limited Tinkerbella & The Tailor editions, once there gone, they are gone!

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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