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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Vintage at Goodwood

Take a look at this lovely festival I am working for....Im doing promo for them! Can't wait to go! Looks amazing here's the link and here's a poster! Go check it out! and if you happen to go, do come and say hello! x

Friday, 23 July 2010

10 things about yourself ....

I got asked to do this by another blogger! :-) so here goes!

1) I am 29 next birthday and this freaks me out nearer to the BIG 3, 0.
2) I have had blonde hair almost forever apart from when I dyed it ginger circa 1996, now I relaise natural is best and am sticking with blonde!
3) John Lennon is my favourite Beatle, followed extremely closely by George - depending on my mood - I may say John or George
4) I love Marianne Faithfull, how she was in the 60s - she has the best 60s gir look in my opinion
5) I am addicted to Ebay
6) Antiques and a passion for vintage is in my blood, since I was six years old
7) I owned my first record player at 6 years old - I used to like Doris Day on it back then, hehe
8) I have been in love once, and had my hear broken once
9) I am incredibly shy
10) I am pescetarian and dabble in raw and macrobiotic foods (I'm a secret hippy!)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Golden delicious! Mod shoes.

Look at my lovely new shoes....well I think they're lovely - they will go perfectly with my gold brocade, chiffon sleeved 60s dress!


Friday, 16 July 2010

When your strange, people remember your name....

Here's a lovely picture of Jim for you to look at.

Jim Morrison, well how can anyone forget that name, I ask you?

Went to the latest Doors documentary suitably titled 'When Your Strange' (love that song!)

And as for the film, well - Mr Morrison writhing around the stage and bare chested on rocks in his leather trousers, phew - it's enough to get a girl all flustered! There's only one man that can get away with leather trousers in this world, and that was Jim. Boys - don't even go there.

Have a lovely weekend all, and if you get the chance do watch the film - it's rather trippy, the sound track is amazing obviously - and it gives you a little insight into the strange mind of one of my favourite strangest bands.
There's a lot more to them than 'Cmon baby light my fire' and it's so sad when you think of Jim and all those other artists who got taken from us too quickly, to join 'the 27 club' so to speak :-(
Least we have the music, and rock n roll photography to keep tham alive!
Oh, oh ALSO! the film is narrated by the lovely Johnny Depp, another reason why you really must see this!
Happy Friday all xxx

Monday, 12 July 2010

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Lovely lovely dresses from the 60s!

Here are two purchases that I could not resist sharing with you. Excuse the bad lighting particualrly in the second image, doesnt help white on white, and I was too lazy and sleepy to sort it with photoshop.
Are they for me to keep or for the shop?! Well they are my ;-)

Dandelion dreams

Ever have one of those days/weeks where you crave more excitement than you think your ordinary life can give you?

Time to wish upon a dandelion, close your eyes tight and blow.

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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