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Monday, 30 November 2009

So what do you like vintage wise?

Hello all just wondering what fashion/design era you like best? styles? patterns? shapes? etc My favourite era's range from the 1900s-70s haha so yes spanning pretty much all of the decades of 'vintage' fashion.

What do I look for when buying vintage? well here are just some of the things I look at:
  • Shape - a well cut garment. For example - a 60s neckline where the neckline continues at the back. The small details are what make all the difference! Peter pan collars are delightful and another favourite of mine also!

  • Collars and cuffs - interesting ones. I personally like lace and ruffles on collars and cuffs.

  • Sleeves - Angel sleeves, bracelet sleeves - show off one of the daintiest and prettiest parts of a lady whether your a size zero or not! Show off your bare wrists, add long gloves, short gloves, just a pretty bracelet or a huge ring to make the wrist look even daintier! I love bracelet sleeves, so feminine.

  • Angel sleeves - a beautiful silhouette and again so feminine!

  • Buttons - interesting shapes, designs and colours and made from different materials. Buttons used as adornment etc

Peter Pan Collars

I love Peter Pan collars so much and am looking at buying some victorian collars and cuffs to add to dresses!

Today I have been making some rings with vintage floral cameos that were sourced from Germany and date back to the 70s they are lovely!

Camera being a bit rubbish but hope to sort that soon and post some pics very soon of the aforementioned rings! On another note as soon as photography is sorted I hope to post some news about the opening of our Big Cartel Store! woohoo! How exciting?!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Rainy Wednesday

So here's some more images that inspire me...and today I have been working on cataloguing the vintage stock I have, so it's ready for the Kiosk shop. Spent the extra long weekend I had happily thrifting and found - TA-DAH! A first pressing of Johnny Kidd and The Pirates, Shaking all over! - 49 years old and pretty much in mint condition really pleased with my find!
Ossie Clark one of my all time favourite 60s designers!

Ossie Clark cut a dress like no other, he knew a womans body so well, and what silhouettes!

Not forgetting of course! the beautiful wife of Ossie Clark the super talented Ceilia Birtwell and hwe beautiful patterns. A dream team! Oh to get my hands on a Ossie dress.

I love Celia Birtwells drawing style so whimsical and fairy tale like so very English and the colours!

And of course if you're lucky you will have been able to get a piece of Celia's range 'for Topshop'!

How beautiful is this Ossie dress?

Pleased to meet you, hello and welcome to Porcelain Doll Vintage

This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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Nottingham, United Kingdom
A 1960s dolly bird.

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