
Monday, 11 July 2011

Je t'aime, Je t'adore

I have never learnt french don't know a word of it, doesn't stop me closing my eyes and thinking of Paris - though I have never been!

I wish I were what could be described as 'gamine' in that beautifully European, doe eyed chic way....

A modern day gamine for me would be Zooey Deschanel, there are others of course but isn't she lovely?

I have also just discovered Carla Bruni's beautiful whimsical music! another gamine beauty! - yes her who once dated Jagger and Clapton and is now married to the French president!

There's also the lovely and cutesy 'She and Him' which is Zooey Deschanel's music project so lovely!

There are a few beautiful women who could be described to carry that french type of beauty and style, whether they are French or not! I think it's innate to them....