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Friday, 11 June 2010

It's never too late to feel a little more alive

The title of this post I saw as grafitti on a wall and I liked it, thats it. I think it may be a song lyric but I've yet to have a look and find out.

Well a long work, and fun packed weekend lies ahead! Every week without fail I visit a charity shop - I'm obsessed with them. At least one a week sometimes I visit one every day and then there's also finding the time for the specialist vintage stores too, aw it's a hard life! ;-)

This week I discovered a huge two storey charity shop in a random little area on the outskirts of the city. Downstairs all furniture and mirrors and wall hangings and paintings and prints, upstairs vintage, pots, pans sunglasses, curtians, dresses. There's some beautiful mirrors, and some gorgeous 1960s and 70s German pottery I have my eye on!

I bought a mary quant style red pvc rain mac, two gorgeous 1960s swimming suits, and a 60s mod handbag.
I'm still kicking myself for turning my back - for a split second on a mustard taffeta 50s evening prom dress - which a very nice lady bought! Was not happy, but it went to a good home - it was beautiful and tiny and would have fitted me so well! Oh well.

Will upload pics of the items mentioned but to be honest I am loathe to as my camera at the moment is awful and will not do them justice, at camera please!

Last, but not least take a look at the September trip to Berlin I have planned!

Now personally I really don't like the artwork i.e the lady or the colours as it doesn't look mod or 60s to me in the slightest all a little gawdy - but don't let that put you off what looks set to be an amazing weekender!

Look here for more info!


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This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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