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Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Listen up!

Think you dont like RnB?

Real RnB I'm talking about, no really...real Rythmn and Blues and Soul. This album is an a brilliant illustration of early soul, r&b from the fifties through to the sixties, a collaboration between Mr Paul Weller and the wonderful DJ Keb Darge. This album compilation is an education for music lovers today, split into two halves one by expert Darge the other Weller, who as Darge himself recognised is not tainted by any scene or record collector bravado - he just plays the songs he loves. This is amazing, go listen! Oh and Keb Darge also has a brilliant collection of rockabilly releases if thats your thing. And look at the gorgeous artwork for the album too! Our household is the proud owner of this gem on vinyl as well as CD!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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