
Monday, 1 February 2010

Tiredness and Tiaras (Ireland!)

It's been a little while since I posted so here we go!

Arrived back from the Emerald Isle early Saturday morning - and oh we did have a lovely time! I had truly forgotten how much I love Ireland, it's culture and it's people! I will post some pictures of our trip shortly. As for buying for the shop, we had two days and I visited a handful of places but no luck! Next time I'm going for one week, so I can guarantee more time for work shopping! On another note I did find a couple of lovely vintage dress shops, and a great record store at 'The Flea' - that's Dublins flea market. I bought a couple of 1960s 45" including a Beau Brummels single, and also a old school John Lennon badge. The highlights of the trip? - too many to mention but if ever you visit Dublin be sure to go to The Pint an old tradition Irish pub with a old ska night on upstairs you can dance to some of the best songs whilst overlooking the River Liffey! Amazing.

On shop news, our jewellery line is expanding and will be sold in a great local shop in due course!

Also we are now approved sellers at The Affordable Vintage Fashion Fair so expect to see us with a stall there soon!

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