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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Angels are opening their doors, the sale of the year!

Vintage heaven!

I think I may have died and gone to vintage heaven, Angels The Costumiers are having their first sale of 2010 - so what I hear you say?! Angels have been going for 150 years and own the largest collection of costumes and accessories in ...the world!

Clothing from the 1900s - 1980s all high quality and many designer labels. I am attending the sale on Saturday and can't wait to get there, oh my work is so much fun sometimes!

Some people queue over night for this infamous sale, I can't fortunately so I will be getting a train at 5am on Saturday morning armed with a shopping list and lots of business cards ready to network, shop, shop, shop!

I'm hoping I pick up some really special pieces to open the shop up! If any of you reading this blog are looking for any particular items please let me know! They dont have these sales very often!

Fore more information on the sale and a sneak preview of the goods, oh and do watch the video! click here

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This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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