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Monday, 18 January 2010

Work, procrastination and more work

I plan to get out the sewing machine this week!

Looking after my friends lovely children tomorrow.
Going to the gym three times.
Making more jewellery, including a little parcel of vintage jewellery for my cousin.
I am reveiwing a craft and arts night with a live DJ at a bar in the city centre, for a local magazine I sometimes write for.
I need to get some more business cards printed up.
Saturday day time I'm networking with some vintage suppliers.
Oh and the boring things blahblahblah like paying bills etc
On a more positive note Im going vintage buying in Dublin at the end of this month! I also hope to catch a good band while I'm there!

I'm also buying this camera for myself for my trips to Dublin and Berlin.....I love Holga photographs, as much as polaroids!

Isn't it lovely, I love the white one best I think!

I'm also ruthlessly planning on going through my wardrobe and ebaying some old clothes!

In Dublin I'm hoping to discover some lovely pieces for the web shop, but as with all vintage buying it's all pretty 'pot luck'. A nice faux fur coat, some nice jewellery trinkets, a cute 40s dress would all be nice finds, but as you know the fun comes in the not knowing what you may discover!
We are staying in what looks a lovely 5 star hotel in Dublin so I'm quite excited about that.

I'm also hoping to do a one off music night in July, a Beatles Vs Stones night, with me and my good friend Tania DJing our favourite 60s vinyl - I'm a huge Stones & Beatles fan - but the Beatles won me over when I was only six years old so as I have a long standing affair with them I am the Beatles girl and Tania is the Stones girl!

1957 Beatles picture Quarrymen period, I imagine!

And finally a song and a picture. I made myself a bag the other day with this lovely image of Edie Sedgwick on it:

Love this song.

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This blog is a forum for my ramblings and mutterings that tend to revolve around creativity, music and the 1960s! Enjoy! I buy, collect and sell vintage dresses and other lovely pretty vintage things!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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