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Thursday, 17 December 2009

Nottingham is covered in icing sugar and my red lipstick endeavour is complete.

So it's snowing, lovely Sherwood looked like a beautiful snowball today and now the streetes are paved in what looks like icing sugar! I have been looking for my perfect red lipstick for many months, if not years and today I think I found it! Doesn't every girl want to find her perfect red? it's not a simple task as you may think!

And the lovely red in question, full name 'Russian Red' is from MAC cosmetics heehee sounds like a spy name!

On another note I am getting quite addicted to three blogs in particular so much so I have promised myself I will stop buying womens magazines, hmmm see if that will happen. I have a love-hate relationship with mid-high end womens style and fashion glossies.

I will write more about these three or so favourite blogs in a day or so. Inspires me to go further with this little one, hey might as well make use of my journalism degree!

Laptop fixed and several ring orders were delivered around Nottingham today! Really not very long till the shop now! Off to work on some designs for the shop!

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A 1960s dolly bird.

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